Mario Cresci

Marina Spada
Italy, 2006, 24′

Italy, 2006, 24'

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

A photographer and lecturer, he practices and theorizes a photography that aims to be inquiry and knowledge, constantly renewing the language of the image.

A photographer and lecturer, he practices and theorizes a photography that aims to be inquiry and knowledge, constantly renewing the language of the image.

Cresci has experimented with its potential by contaminating it with other expressive disciplines: drawing, installation, performance, video.
His photography is, as he defines it, “of a design and cultural kind, an operation that makes us think,” a tale through images capable of combining knowledge and beauty, field research and visual emotion.

“Photography is a pretext for reflection, for thinking about everything that belongs to us and also concerns other knowledge, such as literature or history and cultural anthropology.”

Director Marina Spada
Director of photography Sabina Bologna
Sound engineer Gianni Bomassar
Editing and post production Tommaso Gallone
Assistant director Federica Bianchi
Production director Michaela Cipriani
Production assistants Caterina Catalano, Moira Tempestilli
Music Flipper Music
Consultant Denis Curti
Produced by Renata Tardani (Miro Film) for Sitcom
With Mario Cresci, Anna Detheridge

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