A Friendly Place. 150 Years of Querini Stampalia Foundation in Venice

Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2019, 40’

Italy, 2019, 40'

Languages: Italian, English

Languages: Italian, English

It is the story of men and values, the Querini, a maze to get lost in, to find ourselves somewhere else, just like in Venice, its city.

It is the story of men and values, the Querini, a maze to get lost in, to find ourselves somewhere else, just like in Venice, its city.

There is a place in Venice that has renewed its vocation since 1869, which is the Querini Stampalia Foundation. It’s a place made of water, canals, rooms, works, and masterpieces of the intellect, art, and architecture of the will to welcome the world while remaining true to itself.
A friendly place. A film tells it today, on the occasion of its 150 years.
It’s a gift to the city – a gift from Count Giovanni Querini Stampalia who, in his will, in 1869 established the Foundation that bears his name. The reading room and its art collection had to be made available to those who, lovers of “good studies and useful disciplines”, needed them.
The 150th anniversary is an opportunity to retrace the history and the identity, the present and the future of the Querini Stampalia Foundation, which has accompanied, in some cases even anticipated, the economic, political, and social life of Venice and of the Palace that houses it.

Director Francesca Molteni
Editing Anna Pastorelli
Original music Fabrizio Campanelli
Production Muse Factory of Projects
With Chiara Bertola, Francesco Bonami, Mario Botta, Giorgio Busetto, Giorgio Camuffo, Renata Codello, Michele Coppola, Marino Cortese, Francesco Dal Co, Michele De Lucchi, Nicholas Herdon, Joseph Kosuth, Marigusta Lazzari, Michelina and Valeriano Pastor, Giovanna Nepi Sciré, Marco Paladini, Giandomenico Romanelli, Tiziano Scarpa, Kiki Smith, Angela Vettese

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