Gianni Berengo Gardin

Tonino Curagi, Anna Gorio
Italy, 2006, 24’

Italy, 2006, 24'

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Considered one of the greatest Italian photographers, he has documented, mainly in black and white, the evolution of our country from the post-war period to today.

Considered one of the greatest Italian photographers, he has documented, mainly in black and white, the evolution of our country from the post-war period to today.

Since the mid-sixties, Berengo Gardin’s work has ranged from social investigation reportage (such as the historic investigation into the dramatic situation of mental asylums in Italy commissioned by Basaglia), to portraits, environmental description, architectural documentation and industrial photo. About him Celebrate his work for Olivetti and his images of Venice, “his true hometown”. His shots, for over sixty years, have told the stories of this city and its inhabitants.

“My work is closer to literature, to writing, to words, I do a bit what journalists do, tell stories”.

Written by Tonino Curagi, Anna Gorio
Director Tonino Curagi, Anna Gorio
Editing Tonino Curagi, Anna Gorio
Production director Michaela Cipriani
Production assistants Caterina Catalano, Monica Tempestilli
Music Flipper Music
Consultant Denis Curti
Produced by Renata Tardani (Miro Film) for Sitcom
With Gianni Berengo Gardin

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