Tell Me About Vico – Patricia Urquiola

Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2015, 14′

Italy, 2015, 14'

Original language: Italian
Subtitles: English, Russian

Original language: Italian
Subtitles: English, Russian

“Tell Me About Vico” is a collection of videos featuring guided tours led by notable figures through the Vico Magistretti Studio Museum.
Entering a museum and being guided through its treasures is an experience most of us have had at least once. The memory we hold of such experiences may vary, but what is the secret to a truly rewarding guided tour?
In these two videos, Patricia Urquiola and Stefano Boeri guide visitors through the spaces of the Vico Magistretti Studio Museum. Surrounded by the objects Vico collected over sixty years of professional life spent in the studio, they share their perspectives on the place, the projects and the man, drawing from their professional experiences and personal memories.

Director Francesca Molteni
Editing Anna Pastorelli
Original music Fabrizio Campanelli
Promoted by Fondazione Studio Museo Vico Magistretti
Produced by Muse Factory of Projects
With Patricia Urquiola

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