
I-Mesh Designing the City

Cristiana Colli, Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2022, 42’

Italy, 2022, 42'

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian, English

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian, English

The thread and texture between the sea and the hills, city and metropolis, inside and outside; sign and function, material and design, between the landscape and the city to come. Softness is an interweaving of stories and threads. The origin is i-Mesh: a vision, a material, and a technology created in the Marche region of Italy, on Monte Conero in Numana. Its keywords are lightness, transparency, resistance, flexibility, and sustainability. The narrative develops on a journey of discussions with architects and designers, engineers and philosophers, academics and technicians, revealing new research processes with an eye to the fragile ecosystem of our time.

Director Cristiana Colli, Francesca Molteni
Production Muse Factory of Projects
With Alberto Fiorenzi, Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, Gabriele Mastrigli, Stefano Catucci, Margherita Palli, Ico Migliore, Edoardo Tresoldi, Benedetta Tagliabue, Kengo Kuma, Lucio Blandini, Werner Sobek, Lorena Alessio, Marc Gabriel

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