Oficina Bo Bardi

Silvia Davoli, Andrea Balossi Restelli, Francisca Parrino
Italy, 2006, 26′

Italy, 2006, 26'

Languages: Italian, Portuguese
Subtitles: Italian, English

Languages: Italian, Portuguese
Subtitles: Italian, English

The Brazilian ages of one of the greatest woman architect.

The Brazilian ages of one of the greatest woman architect.

The Italian architect Lina Bo Bardi (1914-1992) arrived in Salvador de Bahia in 1958 in a moment of great cultural and creative effervescence that would have been concluded with the dictatorship of 1964. Her passage as architect and director of the Museum of Modern Art of Bahia marked deeply the artistic production of those years.
Fascinated by the popular culture of the North-east, she conceived, together with the sculptor Mario Cravo, the project CETA, Centro de Estudo do Trabalho Artesanal, whose objective was the creation of a true Brazilian industrial design derived from the shapes of the local handicraft. Lina organized a scientific collection of the handicraft material of the region of Bahia and dreamt of creating a laboratory, the Oficinas do Unhão, in which craftsmen and young designers could meet and collaborate. The project never saw its light, but “Lina had by now thrown a seed”.

Director Silvia Davoli
Director of photography Andrea Balossi Restelli
Editing Francisca Parrino
Music Andrea Ricci
Producer Francisca Parrino
With Mario Cravo, Graziella Bo Valentinetti, Calasans Neto, Cravo Neto, Maria Muniz, Fernando Campana, Lisa Ponti

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