Nulla dies sine linea

Carlo Scarpa and the Castelvecchio Museum

Riccardo De Cal
Italy, 2011, 30’

Italy, 2011, 30'

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

Carlo Scarpa and the Castelvecchio Museum restoration.

Carlo Scarpa and the Castelvecchio Museum restoration.

The film tells the restoration of the museum of Castelvecchio in Verona through the words of a close collaborator of Carlo Scarpa, Angelo Rudella. Through photographs, archival footage with the words of the architect himself, and funny episodes about the construction site, we discover interesting details of the curatorial choices that defined the installation of statues and ancient paintings, as well as the architectural style dictated by formal neatness. The images and sound of De Cal’s film recount the spaces with extreme rigor, focusing attention on the most minute details and returning to a multifaceted portrait of the architect and the man at work.

Photography Riccardo De Cal
Editing Melissa Siben
Sound Riccardo De Cal
Production Cabiria in collaboration with Joint Committee for the awareness and promotion of the heritage linked to Carlo Scarpa

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