Stories of company archives and museums

Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2018, 45’

Italy, 2018, 45'

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian, English
CC: Italian

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian, English
CC: Italian

A totally unexpected vision of Italy, a mosaic of important provincial centres.

A totally unexpected vision of Italy, a mosaic of important provincial centres.

The film talks about corporate archives and museums and their characteristics to understand how a company archive/museum should be set up today, what values it should transmit, and what tools and language it should use to appeal to a modern, international public.
To present this ever-changing reality, the documentary collects experiences from museum directors, curators, as well as architects, artists, and musicians who have taken part in innovative projects for corporate museums through the use of different expressive languages.

Director Francesca Molteni
Curated by Roberta Busnelli
Screenplay Cristiana Colli
Editing Veronica Scotti
Original music Fabrizio Campanelli
Illustrations Sara Mazzetti
Production Muse Factory of Projects
With Salvatore Accardo, Stefano Arienti, Stefano Baia Curioni, Mirko Cerami, Phillip Tefft, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Fiorenzo Galli, Renata Molho, Marco Montemaggi, Davide Ravasi, Leonardo Sangiorgi, Jeffrey Schnapp, Toni Servillo, Cino Zucchi

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