Mario Botta. Sacro | Profano

Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2022, 21’

Italy, 2022, 21'

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

The architect Mario Botta retraces some significant steps of his career, exploring the inner questions that pushed him to investigate sacred and profane spaces. Two concepts coexist and raise the doubt from which the architect’s work begins.
Mario Botta’s testimony and some close critics’ and artists’ reflections – Enzo Cucchi, Margherita Guccione, Fulvio Irace, Vittorio Sgarbi, and Giuliano Vangi – accompany the narration in its chapters. Here, these concepts, in opposition, are explored as essential elements of Botta’s work.
The film was produced for the MAXXI Museum in Rome. Botta has imagined an installation composed of heterogeneous and highly expressive materials, ranging from a 1:1 scale pavilion to a facade prototype, to models, sketches, and photographs of his built projects. The ‘sacred and profane’ theme that gives the exhibition its title is interpreted in the broader sense of a sacredness inherent in every architectural gesture, from the purity of the materials to the sensitivity to the context.

Director Francesca Molteni
Screenplay Francesca Molteni in collaboration with Fulvio Irace
Photography Mario Flandoli
Editing Anna Pastorelli
Music Fabrizio Campanelli
Production Muse Factory of Projects
With Mario Botta

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