Copertina del film "James" con l'arredo del suo studio.


Marialaura Irvine talks about James Irvine

Emilio Neri Tremolada
Italy, 2022, 29’

Italy, 2022, 29'

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

James Irvine passed away in 2013. Marialaura met him while working at the studio Danese when James was the “young” designer in a team with masters including Enzo Mari, Michele De Lucchi, Alberto Meda, and Paolo Rizzatto. James declared his love by presenting her with a flower, a scale model of the Daisy coat stand. Marialaura talks about his work, his projects, and their life together: “Living with James was an adventure and an incredible discovery. A man of great curiosity and precision, he could always make me laugh and give me strength, with just a look, even during the hardest times. I shared ten years with him, building a family: our best project.”

Director Emilio Neri Tremolada
Editing Felice Sechinà
Music Reben Aud
Production design[in]video
With Marialaura Irvine

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