Inside Renzo Piano Building Workshop

Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2021, 52’

Italy, 2021, 52'

Languages: French, English, Italian
Subtitles: Italian, English

Languages: French, English, Italian
Subtitles: Italian, English

We had access, for several months, to one of the most important architectural firms in the world. What happens inside the Renzo Piano Building Workshop is a succession of meetings, phone calls, project reviews, decisions and second thoughts. Facing unexpected events and difficulties together.
In Genoa, Paris, New York, Los Angeles we witnessed the miracle of creation as silent spectators, from project sketches to the strong physicality of a construction site.
And then the meeting with Renzo Piano, a master, inspirer of ideas, with his extraordinary ability to distance himself from a project, to visualize the problem and find the right solution.
This film is an attempt to return some fragments of an everyday life hidden behind the figure of a great architect.
“…Creativity is a miracle that exists only when you know how to share it. Our studio is a special place, where this miracle happens every day”.

Director Francesca Molteni
Edited by Fulvio Irace
Directed by Claudia Adragna and Davide Fois
Editing Silvia Biagioni
Photography Timon de Graaf Boelé
Sound Massimiliano Santillo and Daniele Sosio
Production Muse Factory of Projects

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