Copertina del film "Green Over Gray. Emilio Ambasz" con in primo piano l'architettura di Ambasz "Casa del Ritiro Spirituale" a Siviglia.

Green Over Gray. Emilio Ambasz

Francesca Molteni, Mattia Colombo
Italy, 2023, 55’

Italy, 2023, 55'

Language: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian, English

Language: Italian, English
Subtitles: Italian, English

Green Over Gray portrays the theoretical and design development linked to the Green Architecture revolution, through the analysis of some seminal projects by Emilio Ambasz, which have covered the current debate on climate impact and introduced a vision of Nature that today, 40 years later, we recognize as a turning point in the history of the relationship between man and the environment. Such projects witness the importance of a well-balanced environment for better human daily life. A film is a perfect format for illustrating environmental care to vast audiences, showing how architecture can address the issue of climate change, better conditions for living, and better solutions for urban decay.
The visual register therefore plays on the drawings and images of the built architectures, allowing us to enter the logic of Emilio Ambasz’s poetic world, in the belief that technique alone is not enough, and that architecture is such only if it is capable of arousing emotions. Architects and local partners guide us in commenting on the works.
Green Over Gray was presented as the opening film of Milano Design Film Festival – MDFF 2024, and was selected by the International Festival of Films on Art – FIFA 2024 of Montréal. 

Directed by Francesca Molteni, Mattia Colombo
Concept by Fulvio Irace
Editing Silvia Biagioni
Cinematography Mattia Colombo, Timon De Graaf Boelè
Camera operators Davide Fois, Jacopo Loiodice, Nicolò Amedeo, Marco Vitale
Producer Claudia Adragna, Gaia Maritano
Production assistant Nicolò Amedeo
Original Score Luca Maria Baldini
Color grading Diego Diaz
Sound mix FULLCODE
Produced by Muse Factory of Projects
With Tadao Ando, Barry Bergdoll, Fulvio Irace, Toyo Ito, Kengo Kuma, Stefano Mancuso, Michio Tase, James Wines

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