Giosetta Fioroni: Sentimental Pop

Gabriele Raimondi
Italy, 2018, 55’

Italy, 2018, 55'

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English

A season of Italian art and culture, as well as an extremely current “feminine gaze on women”.

A season of Italian art and culture, as well as an extremely current “feminine gaze on women”.

Giosetta Fioroni is an artist who lives and works in Rome. She is the latest exponent of the Piazza del Popolo school. She is also the only woman in the group who was the Italian answer to Pop Art. The documentary traces her life as an artist rediscovered internationally with a series of exhibitions and meetings in Rome, Moscow, Paris, in the Venetian countryside and Milan, where a major retrospective was inaugurated in spring 2018 at the Museo del ‘900. Through the memories of Fioroni, interviewed in the studio and in the house in Rome, we relive a season of Italian art and culture. Giosetta tells of Mario Schifano and the other artists of Piazza del Popolo, but also of Federico Fellini and Marcel Duchamp. More than anything, the memory of the love for her partner, the writer Goffredo Parise, with whom she went through the social and ideological conflicts of those years with lightness and lucidity. The portrait of the artist is enriched by various documentary and repertoire sources and is completed with interviews with friends, artists, critics, curators who met her and shared with her affections and passions.

Director Gabriele Raimondi
Screenplay Sabina Fedeli
Director of photography Lorenzo Giromini
Editing Gabriele Raimondi
Music Remo Anzovino
Producer Didi Gnocchi
Production 3D Produzioni
With Giosetta Fioroni, Achille Bonito Oliva, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Marco Meneguzzo, Francesco Vezzoli, Pierpaolo Piccioli, Giorgio Amitrano, Paola Pitagora, Silvia Tofanelli, Maria Grazia Chiuri, Piero Mascitti, Lina Sari, Marzio Breda, Olga Strada, Giampaolo Bergamo, Marcella Tommaseo, Guido Ceronetti

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