Copertina del film "Franco Vaccari" che ritrae delle persone al Pop Festival dell'Isola di Wight nel 1970.

Franco Vaccari

Simona Confalonieri
Italy, 2006, 24’

Italy, 2006, 24'

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Franco Vaccari is a very complex figure, who has always accompanied his artistic activity with theoretical reflection. He made his debut in the Sixties as a visual poet. Ahead of his time, he used technologies by following the current use in art of multimedia environments that involve interaction with the public.

Franco Vaccari is a very complex figure, who has always accompanied his artistic activity with theoretical reflection.
He made his debut in the Sixties as a visual poet. Ahead of his time, he used technologies by following the current use in art of multimedia environments that involve interaction with the public.

A graduate in Physics, from the beginning he did not use photography to produce mimetic images, but his photography wanted to become a trace, an imprint of a presence, which often also involves interaction with the public. Emblematic are his “Real Time Exhibitions”, exhibitions in which the material that is exhibited is constructed during the exhibition itself, almost always with the participation of visitors. Like the exhibition “Leave a photographic trace of your passage” at the 1972 Biennale, when a photomatic booth was exhibited and visitors were invited to leave a photographic trace of their passage.
He was a professor of Photographic Iconography at the Milan Polytechnic.

“It is not easy to define what the technological unconscious is: perhaps the clearest way, which should then be argued, is to say that all the tools produced by man and in particular those of communication act as if they obeyed an unconscious inherent in the tool itself and independent of who uses the tool”.

Director Simona Confalonieri
Director of photography Stefano Weiss
Editing and post-production Walter Marocchi
Producer Renata Soldati
Production assistants Caterina Catalano, Monica Tempestilli
Music Flipper Music
Consultant Denis Curti
Produced by Renata Tardani (Miro Film) for Sitcom
With Franco Vaccari, Angela Madesani, Claudia Zanfi

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