David Chipperfield

Skyline. Architects for Milan

Alessandra Galletta
Italy, 2015, 26’

Italy, 2015, 26'

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: English

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: English

David Chipperfield releases the interview inside his Museum of Cultures in Milan (MudeC), explaining the concept.
In his studio in Milan, the English architect talks about “Common Ground”, the theme he chose for the Venice Architecture Biennale, which he curated in 2013. He also talks about the different experiences faced in the design of museums in other parts of the world and his point of view on the role that spaces for culture play in cities.

Written and directed by Alessandra Galletta
In collaboration with Maddalena Bregani
Editing Luca Previtali
Production LAGALLA23
With David Chipperfield, Stefano Boeri, Filippo Del Corno, Marina Pugliese, Fulvio Irace

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