Achille Castiglioni. Tutto con un niente

Valeria Parisi
Italy, 2018, 40′

Italy, 2018, 40'

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

In a long interview in his Milanese studio, Achille Castiglioni tells about himself surrounded by his objects.

In a long interview in his Milanese studio, Achille Castiglioni tells about himself surrounded by his objects.

Irony, self-criticism, curiosity, interest in others are some of the characteristics that make Achille Castiglioni one of the greats of Italian design, creator of icons of the twentieth century. His Arco lamp, from 1962, is to date the most famous and copied piece of furniture in the world. “It means it works!”, he said.
The documentary tells about him in his Milanese studio, surrounded by his objects and above all by a surprising amount of games collected throughout a lifetime. Castiglioni talks about himself with generosity and humor. What is surprising is his desire to critically observe reality, to find new solutions, to be surprised and to surprise us.

Director Valeria Parisi
Editing Ivano De Luca
Voice Federica Fracassi
Production 3D Produzioni

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