Ezio Gribaudo. La bellezza ci salverà

Alberto Bader
Italy, 2020, 84′

Italy, 2020, 84'

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English

Languages: Italian
Subtitles: English

Ezio Gribaudo, an artist, editor, and cultural promoter from Turin, is now ninety years old. He opens the door of his studio to us: a place overflowing with canvasses, photographs, objects, and tools of the trade. He tells us about when he encountered art, about how he has never stopped painting, sculpting, constructing, and experimenting with techniques and materials. During his lifetime, he has been consecrated at the Venice Biennale, Rome’s Art Quadriennale, the São Paulo Art Biennale; he has received the Gold Medal for Culture and Art. Today, his works are exhibited at the MoMA, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Ca’ Pesaro in Venice, the Musée des Arts Decoratifs in Paris… Right from the start, he began his activity as an editor, publishing over eighty monographs on 20th-century art. The movie recounts the singular story of an artist who has shaped his personal life around his vocation, stretching his own boundaries and the possibilities of experiencing the world.

Director Alberto Bader
Sound Enrico Santangelo, Stefano Palmosi
Producer Alberto Bader, Alessandro Savioli
Production Quinta Luce
In partecipation with Archivio Gribaudo
In collaboration with Civic theater school Paolo Grassi, Civic school of interpreters and translators Altiero Spinelli
With Ezio Gribaudo

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