An Angel above Milan: Mangiarotti and the city

Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2023, 10′

Italy, 2023, 10'

Original language: Italian
Subtitles: English, Russian

Original language: Italian
Subtitles: English, Russian

Angelo Mangiarotti was active in the fields of architecture and design from the 1950s onward, fearlessly innovating through technique.
In his city, Milan, he experimented with solutions in housing and infrastructure, giving full artistic and functional dignity even to numerous industrial buildings across the Lombard plains. He decisively bid farewell to design laziness and outdated schemes, no longer acceptable in a rapidly changing modern city.
The urban synthesis of this architect is reflected in his exploration of variable facades in residential buildings, innovations in railway stations, the modernity of “prototype” factories, and his experiments with materiality, expressed through architecture, design, and sculpture.
This short narrative dynamically combines and reinterprets archival photographs and interviews, presenting a summary of Mangiarotti’s technical and artistic contributions.
The critically-informative storytelling is punctuated by the architect’s own commentary, weaving through themes that span an era and the city, from the 1950s to today, from the Politecnico di Milano to the Triennale.

Director Francesca Molteni
Curated by Fulvio Irace
Editing Nicolò Amedeo
Promoted by MolteniGroup
Produced by Muse Factory of Projects
With Angelo Mangiarotti

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