Francesco Radino

Marina Spada
Italy, 2006, 24’

Italy, 2006, 24'

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Language: Italian
Subtitles: English

Francesco Radino has always intertwined professional work and artistic research and is now considered one of the most influential contemporary photography authors in Italy.

Francesco Radino has always intertwined professional work and artistic research and is now considered one of the most influential contemporary photography authors in Italy.

“One of the characteristics of the photographic image is its ability to exist outside of time. This is one of the most captivating elements of the photographic image: the possibility of revisiting countless aspects of our vanished time, offering our imagination and perspective a thousand potential new interpretations.”

With a profound visual culture, his photography spans many areas, from social inquiry to research photography of the contemporary landscape, from nature, his great passion, to urbanized territories, from the human figure to objects and architecture.
Since the 1980s, he has participated in numerous public territory research projects. His works have been exhibited in the world’s largest galleries and museums, becoming part of international public and private collections.

Director Marina Spada
Director of photography Valerio Ferrario
Sound engineer Luca Fedrigo
Editing and post-production Giorgio Neri
Assistant director Federica Bianchi, Annalisa Cimmino
Production manager Michaela Cipriani
Production assistants Caterina Catalano, Monica Tempestilli
Music Flipper Music
Consultant Denis Curti
Produced by Renata Tardani (Miro Film) for Sitcom
With Francesco Radino, Renato Barbato, Giovanni Comunale, Tancredi Mangano, Lorenzo Jucker, Annalisa Cimmino, Sara Maestranzi, Cristina Omenetto, Roberta Valtorta

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