Sulle tracce di Maria Lai
Maddalena Bregani
Italy, 2020, 56’
The film reconstructs with care and tactile and optical sensuality the path and legacy of a unique figure of woman and artist: from the turn of the sixties with the “Looms”, the “Sewn Canvas”, the “Breads”, the “Scriptures”, the collective action carried out with the citizens of Ulassai in 1981 (“Tying to the mountain”), which anticipates relational art, one of the main artistic currents of the late twentieth century, by a decade. The repertoire materials and landscapes integrate the chorus of testimonies from friends, collaborators, artists, and critics with the same mysterious serenity of the artist’s voice.
Director Maddalena Bregani
Screenplay Maddalena Bregani
Executive Producer Paolo Soravia
Editing Pietro Daviddi
Video footage Gaetano Crivaro, Nicola Contini, Davide Rusconi, Stefano Santamato, Stefano Totaro
Music Stefano Tore
Original Soundtrack Paolo Angeli, Paolo Fresu, Eugenio Mazzetto, Marisa Sannia, Stefano Tore
Production LaGalla23 productions
Color correction Pietro Daviddi
Mix audio Eugenio Mazzetto
Drone Operator Paolo Soravia
In collaboration with Fondazione Stazione dell’Arte, Ulassai, Archivio Maria Lai
Supported by Sardeolica
With Maria Sofia Pisu, Elena Pontiggia, Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Luigia Lonardelli, Davide Mariani, Antonio Marras, Daniela Zedda, Claudia Losi, Marcello Maloberti, Francesco Casu, Gian Luigi Serra, Antioco Podda, Maria Puddu, Linda Puddu, Tonino Lai, Elena Loi, Maurizio Oviglia, Bruno Poddesu, Maria Serrau