Rem Koolhaas

Skyline. Architects for Milan 

Alessandra Galletta
Italy, 2015, 26’

Italy, 2015, 26'

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: English

Languages: Italian, English
Subtitles: English

Rem Koolhaas’s public lecture attracts students and young architects to the Milan Triennale for the 2015 edition of MI/ARCH – the annual cycle of public lectures curated for the Politecnico di Milano by Stefano Boeri. In an exclusive guided tour, Rem Koolhaas, together with Stefano Boeri, walks through the new headquarters of the Prada Foundation, illustrating the transformation of a former industrial area in the southern neighborhood of the city of Milano, consisting of a building dedicated to exhibitions, an auditorium, and a tower-museum.

Written and directed by Alessandra Galletta
In collaboration with Maddalena Bregani
Editing Luca Previtali
Production LAGALLA23
With Rem Koolhaas, Stefano Boeri, Germano Celant, Salvatore Settis, Cristina Morozzi, Mirko Zardini, Giovanni Agosti

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