Alessandro Mendini. I Wanted to be Walt Disney

Francesca Molteni
Italy, 2016, 35’

Italy, 2016, 35'

Languages: Italian, English, French
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

Languages: Italian, English, French
Subtitles: English
CC: Italian

A portrait of Alessandro Mendini, architect, designer, artist and director of Domus. Born in Milan in 1931, he was one of the undisputed protagonists of Italian design.

A portrait of Alessandro Mendini, architect, designer, artist and director of Domus. Born in Milan in 1931, he was one of the undisputed protagonists of Italian design.

He wanted to be Walt Disney and he became Alessandro Mendini. Creator of a parallel universe, ironic and tragic, intimate and able to speak to the world, in any language. Architecture, art, design, writing, and critique. A protagonist of the 20th and 21st centuries telling the story of a dream which become true, like Walt Disney. “My way of acting and designing is an autobiographic need”, he says. “I have the feeling of belonging to the past. I use antique methods, far away from the today’s logic, such as the pencil. Although I have always criticized it, even my search for beauty is old fashioned.” A research accompanied by many encounters and by the obsessions, the utopias, such as designing the perfect object. To serve as counterpoint a disenchanted voice, Elio’s – famous performer and singer – and the animated short film written and directed by Era Ora & Ivana Gloria.

Director Francesca Molteni
Music Fabrizio Campanelli
Production Muse Factory of Projects
With Alberto Alessi, Emilio Ambasz, Piero Bisazza, François Burkhardt, Germano Celant, Jean-Marc Drut, Elio, Anna Gili, Joseph Grima, Fulvio Irace, Giovanna Mazzocchi, Alessandro Mendini, Francesco Mendini

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