Copertina del film "Il Padiglione sull'Acqua" di una porzione di architettura.

The Pavillon on the Water

Stefano Croci, Silvia Siberini
Italy, 2023, 77′

Italy, 2023, 77'

Languages: Italian, Japanese
Subtitles: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German
CC: Italian

Languages: Italian, Japanese
Subtitles: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German
CC: Italian

Can architecture be poetry? A cinematic journey across the imaginary of Carlo Scarpa and the traditional esthetic of Japan.

Can architecture be poetry?
A cinematic journey across the imaginary of Carlo Scarpa and the traditional esthetic of Japan.

The documentary The Pavilion on the Water is an aesthetic and poetic journey into the imagination of Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa and his passion for Japanese culture.
Japan represented an inspirational universe for the architect, but it was also the place where he passed away, in 1978, at the height of his career, mysteriously retracing the paths of the wandering poet Matsuo Bashō.
Through the impressions suggested by Japanese philosopher Ryosuke Ōhashi, the narrative unfolds along the thread of a question, the question about the meaning of beauty. The possibility of this reflection here unites Scarpa’s works and traditional Japanese aesthetics.
Venice, as the gateway to the East and Scarpa’s birthplace, and the enchanted exploration of his works, are the occasion to recall the poetics and emblematic episodes of the architect’s life, returned through the words of his son, by his students and collaborators, and by a researcher.

Directors Stefano Croci, Silvia Siberini
With Ryōsuke Ōhashi, Tobia Scarpa, J.K. Mauro Pierconti, Guido Pietropoli, Elena Tinacci, Giovanni Soccol, Guido Guidi, Francesco Zanon, Paolo Zanon, Shuho Hananofu
Produced by Caucaso, Freetowork, Pop Homage
With the contribution Ministero della Cultura – Contributi Selettivi, Creatieve Industrie NL, Veneto Film Commission
Editing Paolo Cottignola, Carlotta Guaraldo
Cinematography Daniel Graf Brohawn, Stefano Croci
Music Paolo Aralla
Music post production  Jacopo Bonora, Pedro Lombardi Suzzi, María Luz González Ríos

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